US, Bahrain Regime Attempts Agitation of Sectarain Conflict
Interview with Nabeel Rajab, president for the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, Manama – PressTV April 20, 2011 [excerpt]
The Bahraini Government seeks to cause conflict between the Sunnis and Shias by systematically targeting the Shia population and their institutions.
In an interview with Press TV, Nabeel Rajab, president for the Bahrain Center for Human Rights, elaborates on the crisis in Bahrain.
Press TV: You’ve been quoted by the Center for Research and Globalization in an article as saying that what’s going on now in Bahrain is “a campaign of sectarian cleansing.”
I find that interesting considering that we’ve always been speaking about how this is not a sectarian issue and that the government in Bahrain, and even the Saudi government, have been using this sectarian issue a lot. Do you see that issue at all, scaring some people off from the streets?
Rajab: Well, first of all, since this issue is very sensitive I have to clarify that when I say sectarian, I mean the government is targeting the Shias, and I don’t mean the Sunnis are targeting the Shias.
The government, who happens to be Sunnis targeting Shias, is not based on religion but on a political dispute, a political crisis, and they try to use religion to mobilize more people with them. This is a long story by our nation and around the countries, and the international community as well.
When you put hundreds of people in jail from one sectarian background, when you terminate thousands of people from their jobs based on a sectarian background, when you stop studies and pull all sorts of students studying abroad based on a sectarian background, when you kill more than 30 people in those few weeks with four of them in custody being tortured until death based on a sectarian background, when you demolish their mosques and their worshipping places, shrines which have been there for hundreds of years before the existence of the ruling family in this country, all this together, you can call it “sectarian cleansing.” …more