As Clinton, Ban Ki-moon prepare to send Human Rights emissaries as green light to King Hamad, he gasses and arrests NYT journalist and crushes protest
Nick Kristof Detained, Tear Gassed In Bahrain Along With Videographer Adam Ellick
09 December, 2011 – Huffington Post
New York Times columnist Nick Kristof was detained by police while covering a protest in Bahrain on Friday. Kristof and his videographer, Adam Ellick, were held in a police car as tear gas was fired on protesters. The two journalists were also tear gassed themselves.
Both Kristof and Ellick somehow managed to hang on to their mobile devices and tweeted about the incident while it was going on. Below, see how the detention unfolded.
Twitter @NickKristof
Nicholas Kristof
Just got tear gassed here in Bahrain. Protesters shouting down with king broken up by riot police in Jidhafs.