Free Almahfoodh, Amal members and All political prisoners in Bahrain
To: President Barack Obama
Urgent Action is required to save Amal Society from Injustice
Dear Mr. President,
We are writing for you on the behalf of Amal Society, legally registered under the Bahrain Society Law since 2002. In brief, 23 members of Amal are detained through several night raids, and after spending more than 45 days under severe torture and dwelling in solitary cells, the Bahraini regime is putting Amal society under trail. The detainees are headed by the Chairman of Amal, Sheikh Mohammed Ali Almahfoodh. The legal conditions are drastic since the detainees are denied any access to the lawyers except for two to five minutes after every trial session. After the hearings of Prosecution witnesses and the Defense witnesses, no evidence was found to condemn Amal of any charge against the law. However, it seems that the verdicts of the National Safety Court (Military court) are ready-made packages, sentencing the detainees from 5 to 25 years of imprisonment.
Abiding to your speeches on May 19th and September 21st, we want to call for an immediate action to create pressure on this regime and free Amal Society and all the other detainees, whose guilt is only to call for more democracy and freedom. Therefore, we are writing this letter to appeal to your conscience and pledge your immediate interference to the Society’s trial, which will take place on October 4th, 2011. We are sure about your conscience and support for democracy in Bahrain, but excluding Amal from the political scenes raises many questions. The society is officially registered and all the society’s moves and actions are within the law of Bahrain. Yet, the detainees of Amal, headed by the chairman, Sheikh Mohammed Ali Almahfoodh were subjects to severe torture without any tangible evidence to charge them.
Dear Mr President,
Amal is the second largest legitimate society in Bahrain, and its members and board are under sever attack, and subject to harsh verdicts, with all these factors that would bring the world attention, we wonder why Amal Society is excluded from your attention and support.
Finally, we would like to thank all parties and organizations that has been supporting us and still support our case, and we are grateful to all of those who support the transition to a more democratic and liberal Bahrain, away from any sectarian tensions and polarizations. We want to also thank you for your constant help and precious time in advance.
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