Urgent – Request to help Ebrahim Demastani Bahrain Falsley Imprisoned Nurse
The situation is getting worse for Ebrahim Demastani who has been on a hunger strike to get medical treatment since 20th December 2013. (See: BCHR article 22.1.2014 and Rula Safur’s statement on his conviction and health in Gulf News 22.1.2014.)
Rula Safur, Head of the Bahrain nurses said he was sentenced to 3 years for helping an injured man who came to his door, and sending him on to hospital. He was accused of “spreading false rumours about the wounded and gathering without authorisation.” He has completed 16 months of his sentence since going to prison on October 12th 2012.
Ebrahim had a prolapsed disc when he was detained in 2011 and when the torturers found out they kicked him in the back and fractured his coccyx.
He was detained again in 2012 and has received no treatment. He is in constant pain.
There is a Court Order for Specialised Treatment but nothing happened. He recently saw a doctor’s assistant who refused to examine him physically or take an x ray. Although the last x ray is three years old.
He has no winter clothes and has been unable to see his lawyer for three months.
Although there is supposed to be a dialogue going on, it is not improving the medical care or conditions for prisoners.
What can you do? Please write to you M.P. or Congressman.
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