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More Updates from Bahrain this week Date: 03/23/2011 11:16:45 PM (Wed, 23 Mar 2011 22:16:45 -0700)

I keep receiving updates from Bahrain about the deteriorating situation there and the continuing unrest. However, my political instincts tell me that the uprising has been crushed for now. Moreover, while I would like to be writing analyses about Bahrain and the greater MENA revolts fulltime, unfortunately, right now am busy seeking employment given that I'm back in the USA, so I just don't have the time to keep forwarding this material on a regular basis. This is why I ended my "Bahrain Update" last Sunday.
So, instead of continuing sending out a daily Bahrain Update to a large number of press folks and others, I have chosen only a select few folks, i.e. you, to receive some periodic updates that certain Bahrainis have gone through a lot of trouble to compile and send to me. I will not send all of the reports I get from Bahrain, only one or two that may be helpful for your work. They may help each of you in your own areas of expertise.
Names and other pertinent information will still be redacted to protect the identity of the reporters.

Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.

P.O. Box 9087
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 734-8187
———- Forwarded message ———-
Date: Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 2:36 PM
Subject: Updates from Bahrain this week
To: ccavell@gmail.com

I'll be using this email for political uses from now, I am told gmail is the safest, hotmail is more easily monitored.

Bahraini authorities are spending a lot of time and effort trying to convince people and the world that things are back to normal, but that couldn't be anymore unreal. Checkpoint stories just get worse and worse. Alwasat newspaper published a few stories today http://www.alwasatnews.com/3120/news/read/533679/1.html . Summarized translation from the report: A bus transporting employees from ALBA (Aluminum Bahrain) from Demistan, Karzakan, Malkeya areas was stopped and threatened by weapons from going to work, no reasons provided. Two citizens from Demistan were severly beaten on Sunday 20 Mar as well by masked forces that are always stationed by the Supreme Council for Women, one of them was also going to work when they were stopped, beaten and sent back.
A citizen from Daih, who preferred not to publish his name, was also heavily beaten at the checkpoint by Bahrain Mall.
Another person who works in Seef District, left work at 4 pm and was heading home when he was stopped at a checkpoint which was crowded and was asked to park aside. Then he was approached by one of men and told he was trying to run over the police force there! He was asked to step out of the car, he was tied to a private bus, about seven people started beating him, insulting and cursing him, focusing on his face and eyes, they didn't stop until his nose broke and started bleeding. As he was released, he was shown to another citizen who was told "do you want what happened to him to happen to you?"

Several similar stories occurred all over Bahrain. Many people had their phones confiscated, especially Blackberries and I-phones, Bahraini flags are confiscated as well.

Ministry of Education withdrew scholarships from honor students in UK, Kuwait, Saudi, Egypt and Lebanon for expressing their opinions and participating in protests against violence in Bahrain. About 100 people are missing, which is worrying, because so far, all the people who have been missing, turn up dead!

We all feel like we are really invaded by Saudi, it feels like we live under their rule. Their soldiers are dressed in Bahraini forces outfits, they ask people are you Sunni or Shia, or they ask you which area you're from, in order to decide what they will do to you.

Under pressure -or rather threats- from the government, the labor union has suspended the strike yesterday. The large majority of people still didn't go for two reasons, first is, none of the changes they demanded have happened, expelling foreign troops on top those demands, second reason is that they don't really feel safe!

One of the governments games these days now are to try and stain the uprising by attributing the acts of violence committed by their agents to protesters. Even though I don't see how that is possible considering the way we are suffocated by police patrols and raids all the time. The government is trying to win international media by saying they want dialogue and that we're obstructing that with our violent acts, that they need to "restore order" then they will start reform. This is some of what they've done http://sunlightfoundation.com/blog/2011/03/22/bahrains-pr-team/
They are trying to win the Asian expats here by turning them against the protesters. They are airing news on national TV for the first time in Philipino and Indian, they are spreading news on GDN that protesters are attacking Asians- I don't know how is that possible since all streets leading to Manama where they live are patrolled by police, army or both!

People are still resisting though. Several decentralized rallies have broken out this week in 5-6 areas repeatedly. No one seems to be willing to give up or just be beaten into what the authorities are claiming to be normal life, there's nothing normal about what's going on these days.

Besides violence, the government is holding on so dearly to their claims that Iran and Hezbollah are interfering with Bahrain. Iranian and Hezbollah leaders haven't as much as commented on what's happening in Bahrain until the crackdown escalation last week. Sayed Hassan Nasrallah spoke on all the Arab revolutions, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Libya and Bahrain a few days ago for the first time. This was a golden strike for Bahraini authorities, they just went high on this, it was all they talked about on their tv, BNA released statements repeatedly denouncing Iranian and Hezbollah interference in Bahrain and the king himself went as far as saying that this plan which he and the Peninsula Shield have stopped is also a 30 year old Iranian plan. They even filed a complaint to the UN about Iranian interference in Bahrain! I wonder which complaint the UN will consider first, this one, or the ones submitted by opposition fronts and Bahraini people on violence, human rights violations and Saudi illegal military existence in Bahrain..hmmm.. Anyone beside me sensing the overrule of Saudi paranoia here?

Another sign of the Saudi influence or overrule in Bahrain now is how the region is reacting to our struggle, for example, Al Qaradhawi, famous Sunni Egyptian religious figure, widely followed, spoke against our struggle and urged people not to support it in a speech last week, claiming that it is a fight of Shia against Sunni people. Of course, this is not the first sectarian position I see from the man, in 2006 when the majority of the Arab region supported Hezbollah's position in the war against Israel, students from the American University of Cairo told me that they protested in support of the Lebanese, however, they stopped because Qaradhawi told them it is wrong to support a group of Shia and hold pictures of their leader Nasrallah. Samar Salman wrote about this in AlSafir newspaper http://www.assafir.com/Article.aspx?ArticleId=2440&EditionId=1804&ChannelId=42412 made me feel better to have my sentiment voiced, even if it still won't mean that Qaradhawi followers will buy it.

The materials below cover the following:

  • Bahrain violation of American law regarding aiding governments violating human rights.
  • Bahrain regime hypocrisy
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs cornered.
  • Media reports – several articles and news reports on recent events and overview of the situation
  • Government crimes and violations
  • Everything is Not back to normal
  • Support for Bahraini people abroad
  • Bahrain A few years back
  • Count of people missing and/or hiding due to arrest attempts
  • List of Martyrs since 13 Mar 2011 (there were 7 martyrs before that day)
  • List of "known" arrests of activists and medical staff since 16 Mar 2011

· "Bahrain is in violation of an American law, that prohibits any US aid to foreign governments that violate HR" http://www.casavaria.com/cafesentido/2011/03/23/7992/crimes-against-humanity-in-bahrain/

· Regime Hypocrisy Unveils Bahrain’s Social Disorder: http://www.ihrc.org.uk/activities/press-releases/9623-press-release-bahrain-regime-hypocrisy-unveils-bahrains-social-disorder

· MUST Watch – Reporters corner Minister of Foreign Affairs: Khalid AlKhalifa after press conference http://www.twitvid.com/HFNC7 or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpxSPY5ZPCM

· Media reports:

o US administration scores with the people of Bahrain, NOT, yet again..

So much for believing in "change" ..


o Answers to your questions on Bahrain’s uprising and where it’s at today, good article. http://www.cfr.org/middle-east/un-unified-oppositions-bahrain-yemen/p24464

o Bahraini blogger reports on police abuse in Bahrain, http://chanad.posterous.com/police-abuse-on-video

o AlJazeera English: Demolishing Pearl roundabout and monument, foreign affairs minister says it’s to remove “bad memories”, people remain unbroken http://english.aljazeera.net//news/middleeast/2011/03/201131823554586194.html

o Reuters: US concerned by arrests in Bahrain http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/19/us-bahrain-protests-usa-idUSTRE72I0AS20110319 -they support it then they condemn it!

o How the Bahraini regime wants to erase its “bad memories” http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,2060367,00.html?xid=tweetbut

o Good sum up of the crackdown that started last week on 13 Mar 2011 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1366749/Bahrain-protester-shot-point-blank-head-5-killed-violent-clashes.html

o Enemies of the Internet Report 2010: Bahrain in “countries under surveillance” : http://bahrainrights.hopto.org/en/node/3776

o Bahrain bleeds from American bullets: http://rt.com/usa/news/usa-double-standard-libya-bahrain/

o -On a lighter note- AlWatan royalist news paper is pulling a Gaddafi as well, and blaming hallucination drugs for protesters actions. http://www.alwatannews.net/news.aspx?id=GVXqGJPdOLcdkWDz1iPXrg%3D%3D

They claim that "vandals" -referring to protesters- have been on hallucination drugs causing them listen to their leaders without thinking and cause chaos. They also claim these banned drugs were stolen from SMC.

o BBC: UN rights chief criticizes crackdown in Bahrain http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12769168

o Guardian: Saudi intervention in Bahrain fuels sectarianism rather than stifle it http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2011/mar/20/bahrain-saudi-intervention-religious-divide?CMP=twt_gu

o Guardian: Saudi intervention in Bahrain driven by Sunni visceral fear of Shia http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/mar/20/bahrain-saudi-arabia-rebellion

o France 24: Brutality in Bahrain: the two sides: http://observers.france24.com/content/20110318-bahrainis-denounce-acts-violence-allegedly-anti-government-protesters-police-murder

o Twitter: @wikileaks WikiLeaks

US cable on Bahrain "no convincing evidence of Iranian weapons or government money here since at least the mid-1990s."

o The National: Bahrain Opposition rules out talk: http://www.thenational.ae/news/worldwide/middle-east/bahraini-opposition-rules-out-talks?pageCount=0

o BBC: Campaign of intimidation http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12817106


· Government crimes and violations:

o AlJazeera English: report on martyr Abdulrasool AlHujairi, beaten to death after going through a checkpoint. He had left the house to go to the store to get his satellite receiver fixed, last his family heard from him he was about to pass the checkpoint, then he disappeared. He was found dead the next day.

o Human Rights Watch: Bahrain: New arrests target doctors, rights activities http://www.hrw.org/en/news/2011/03/20/bahrain-new-arrests-target-doctors-rights-activists

o Bahraini Medics Recount Hospital Horror http://readersupportednews.org/news-section2/330-131/4961-rocking-the-cradle

o Doctors targeted for doing their duty http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/03/21/us-bahrain-protests-hospital-idUSTRE72K1XQ20110321

o Outspoken blogger forced into hiding: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12796892

o Pro-gov thugs vandalize protesters cars in our march to the royal court on 11th Mar 2011 and throw rocks over the barb wire. Police does nothing, riot police stand and do nothing to them, after they wreck the cars then they calmly ask them to leave. Unfortunately, the video doesn’t go longer to show when they charged back towards the barb wire throwing rocks at protesters, a few protesters started responding outraged at the situation but quickly protest organizers push them back, the riot police, shot tear gas and sound bombs at us!


o Video examining the car of martyr Baheya AlAradi, first women martyr, who was assassinated by snipers that were stationed over the bridge above Qadam roundabout. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wO3oODNx6lM

o House of Ali Abdulemam ransacked after a visit from security forces http://store1.up-00.com/Mar11/gla22404.jpg

o Another video sample of police forces vandalizing people’s property/ cars. The many videos of the same behavior show that these were not isolated incidents, but rather a systematic approach http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIVB2zzwKQA

o Human rights groups condemn violence in Bahrain http://channel6newsonline.com/2011/03/un-human-rights-group-condemn-bahrain-violence/

o Nabeel Rajab, president of Bahrain Center for Human Rights arrested at 2 am by approximately 40 policemen. His father’s house front door was knocked down on the way to his home, three laptops were confiscated from his home, they refused to even let him put a coat on and all Bahraini flags were confiscated from his house.

He was released at 4 am.

o Staff at the morgue had to plaster Isa Radhi's entire head because it would not stop bleeding. He was beaten so severely his whole skull was broken. RIP


o Some people dedicated this video to Bahrain TV for repeating that no Apache helicopters flying in Bahrain and terrorizing people in protesters areas Dedicated to BTV, no apache in Bahrain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S7l0U7TlliA&feature=player_embedded

o Wife of Salah AlKhawaja suffers from broken ribs due to beating she received when her husband was arrested predawn 23 Mar 2011.

· Everything is NOT back to normal:

o BTV reporter at Salmaniya hospital "everythings normal" masked riot police passes behind, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKGTj1XEWok

o Metal detectors around the entrance of Salmaniya Medical complex http://bit.ly/fTcIbc

o As a form of protest people repeat "God is Great" for 10 minutes at 4,8 & 10PM, forces use CS Gas in reply http://bit.ly/edv5ZQ

· Supporting Bahrain abroad:

o Protest in Sweden http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9P_XAcw78Q

o Protest for Bahrain in Australia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPO7V9hjWVU

o Protest in London: Irish Examiner: Protestors gather outside Bahrain embassy http://www.examiner.ie/breakingnews/world/protestors-gather-outside-bahrain-embassy-497899.html

o Youth in Iraq name a square in Nassrya Pearl Roundabout after the one that the Bahraini regime demolished in after their crackdown on protesters there http://www.nasiriaelc.com/index.php?act=artc&id=6000

o March in DC from Bahraini to Saudi Embassy supporting the people in Bahrain 18th Mar 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ArOweXT_gEU

· Bahrain a few years back:

o CNN did a report on Poverty in Bahrain in 2007, it’s a good report http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fDfVo_Noino

An interesting point that people spotted out in this video is that our martyr Ahmed Farhan appears in second 43-45 with his family. Ahmed was shot by riot police with a fission bullet on 15 Mar 2011 and died on the spot as bullet blew up his skull and his brains spilled out.

· According to AlWefaq there are more than 100 missing. More than 50 people have gone into hiding due to arrest attempts.

· These counts include:

o Lamees Dhaif – Journalist, moderate, widely popular – received several death threats and her parents house was vandalized by “thugs” when she wasn’t found

o Ali Abdulemam – Most famous Bahraini blogger and founder of Bahrain Online. Has been released over two weeks ago -with the 25 prisoners falsely accused of planning to overthrow the monarchy and creating a terrorist cell in Bahrain-. in a concession from the government to calm down the uprising. His house was ransacked when he wasn’t found by security forces. The remaining 24 prisoners are either wanted and hiding or already arrested. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-12796892

· Martyrs announced on 19th Mar:

o Baheya AlAradi

o Jawad AlShamlan

o Jawad Kathem

o Hani AlSayah

o Abdulrasool AlHujairi – AlJazeera English Report:

o 6 months old – she had asthma .. security forces stopped her family from entering SMC

· Martyrs since 13th Mar 2011:

o Ali AlDemestani 13th Mar 2011

o Ahmed Farhan 15th Mar 2011 – shot with stun grenade in the head at point blank

o Ahmed Abdulla 16th Mar 2011 – shot with bird shotgun in the neck, back and legs

o Jaffar Sadiq 16th Mar 2011 – shot with live bullet pierced through his arm and settled in his chest

o Jaffer Abdulla 16th Mar 2011 – shot with live ammunition (bullet) which went in though his back and settled in his chest

o Isa Radhi missing since 15th Mar 2011- Family was contacted 19th Mar 2011 to pick up his body. He was beaten severely, skull broken

o Abdulrasool AlHujairi, went missing at a checkpoint 17th Mar 2011 – Family was contacted 20th Mar 2011 to collect his body. Cause of death was a bullet wound

o Baheya Abdulrasool – shot in the neck by a sniper 17th Mar 2011. Family was contacted on 18th Mar 2011 after her car was found, windshield broken and blood stained. She’s clinically dead.

o Jawad AlShamlan 20th Mar 2011 – shot by sniper

· Known arrests since 16th Mar 2011:

o Hassan Mushaima – Secretary General of the Movement of Liberties and Democracy (Haq) 17th Mar 2011

o Ebrahim Sharif – Secretary General of the National Democratic Action Society (Waad) 17th Mar 2011

o Dr Abduljalil AlSingace – Head of the Human Rights office at Haq movement 17th Mar 2011

o AbdulWahhab Hussein – President of AlWafa Islamic Movement 17th Mar 2011

o Saeed AlNouri – Cleric and political activist

o AbdulHadi AlMukhoder – Cleric and political activist

o Hassan AlHaddad – member of the Committee for the Unemployed

o Mohammed Sultan – member of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights

o Nabeel Rajab – President of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights – released after two hours

o Dr Mahmood Asghar – Medical doctor

o Dr Ali AlEkri – Medical doctor

o Dr Bassem Dhaif – Medical doctor

o Dr Ghassan Dhaif – Medical doctor

o Dr Zahra AlSammak – Medican doctor – released after three days

o Salah AlKhawaja – Human rights activist

o Jaafar AlJamri – member in Amal society