Bahrain Updates #9 [Sunday, April 10, 2011]: Bahrain Mopping Up & Purging Operations Continue: Bahrain April 6 — 9
From: Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D. <>
Date: Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 12:34 AM
Subject: Bahrain Mopping Up & Purging Operations Continue: Bahrain April 6 — 9
To: "Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D. @ GMail" <>
(206) 734-8187
Date: Sat, Apr 9, 2011 at 7:17 PM
Subject: Bahrain Apr 6 – 9
To: "Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D."
Below my report for the past darkly eventful few days in Bahrain.
Too much has been happening in the last few days, I don’t know how to encompass it all. The government is acting as if there’s no tomorrow, like no one is watching, secured by the fact that many turn a blind eye or willing to overlook their crimes in exchange for a few benefits. It’s past 2 am here, Apr 10, 2011, and on time shots are heard outside my window. Shia areas are attacked on a daily basis, if not gun shots, just tear gas and sound bombs to terrorize people. This is our daily program. I’ve forgotten what it’s like to have sound sleep.
Today all Shia areas were surrounded and all ways leading to Lulu (i.e. the Pearl Roundabout) were heavily aided with police forces, as protesters intended to go on a march back to Lulu area. All the protests were violently broken up in villages and couldn't reach there. Protesters were still optimistic though, they feel that even if they haven't reached their destination, the government got the message and knows that they still stand firmly by their demands and their principles and that the government military solution has not put out their fire.
Many people are receiving threats and hate mail for having had an opinion and many people are using this against others. I’ve heard more than one incident where two colleagues had a difference and the pro-government one would threaten the other person of reporting them as traitors for being sectarian or for cursing the king! It’s a new found weapon for social climbers and opportunists. Many people I know have been submitted for investigations or have already been investigated, while they haven’t been active at Lulu or anything political. It’s crazy how random the government raid on citizens is, making people more certain of the nature of this invasive raid and its target to eliminate two thirds of society regardless of the cost, especially due to the fact that this time it included largely Shia from Persian origins which is almost unprecedented in Bahrain as well as Sunni liberals who supported the uprising. Wa'ad political society (secular) has been heavily targeted through arrests of its leaders, block on their website and shutting down their headquarters.
We are all waiting for our turn, today, tomorrow or the day after it; it’ll be our turn for elimination, whether in our professional life, social life, or life altogether.
Two more people have died in custody earlier in one day (Saturday Apr 9th, 2011), making the count rise up to 3 for the past week. Of course, the Ministry of Interior will still excel in explaining how these incidents occurred and reassure their faithful citizens, that it is of course no sign of abuse in their “detention centers". Details are below in my report of events.
Yesterday, as well, before dawn, human rights activist and former MENA Director at Frontline Defenders Abdul Hadi AlKhawaja was arrested, along with his relative Habib AlHalwachi, and his sons in law: Wafi AlMajed and Hussain Ahmed. Abdul Hadi was beaten unconscious upon arrest and his family was assaulted to. His daughter tweeted the account 20 minutes after it happened. It’s attached to my report below.
My report below covers the following:
· Arrests and Assaults (on workers and unionists and closure of political society headquarters)
· Account of the arrest of Abdul Hadi AlKhawaja and his family members, by daughter.
· Picture Reports
· Videos
· Media coverage of Bahrain- selected informative articles from my reading
· Arrests and Assaults:
o Apr 6th:
§ Abdul Hameed Murad, head of central committee at Wa’ad secular political society arrested. He was then released past midnight. As tweeted by Wa’ad society.
§ Ministry of Social Development annuls teachers union and suspends board of doctors union.
o Apr 7th:
§ News of rearrest of Abdul Hameed Murad. He was reportedly released later. I can’t find a confirmation on this, Wa’ad’s website has been blocked and their headquarters was shut down.
§ Dr Ahmed Jamal, specialist, head of Bahrain Doctors Society, fired from this position and from Ministry of Health.
§ Dr Raja AlKadhem, dentist, head of Bahrain Dentists Society, fired from this position and Ministry of Health.
§ Nurse Rola AlSaffar, fired from Bahrain Nursing Society.
§ Ebrahim AlDemistani, father of martyr Ali AlDemistani age17, prominent unionist and vice president of Bahrain Nursing Society, arrested and fired from his position as reported.
§ Sport professionals suspended for being part of the opposition:;.cnnsi1b
§ Faisal Hayat sport journalist arrested for participating at sprotsmen march at lulu.
o Apr 8th:
§ @Nabeelrajab number of arrests has become more than 500 amongst them 17 women. 18 are still disappeared (from Twitter- Nabeel Rajab, Human Rights Activist)
§ Ali Radhi, CEO of LMRA (Labor Market Regulation Authority) was forced to resign from his position after being interviewed (persecuted) by Bahrain TV presenters on how the nationwide strike and protests effected his organization. Officially, government claims his term has ended. [Arabic]
§ Disabled/ special needs sportsman Sayed Noor Jawad Alwedaee arrested at dawn from Hamad Town for participating at protests in Lulu and going there regularly.
o Apr 9th:
§ Reportedly from social media outlets: 20 arrested from BIC on thursday. Beaten then transported in a bus to unknown destination. BIC security did this. They presented pictures of those arrested at Lulu. 11 lost their jobs.
§ Nooh Najaf, leading Basketball player at Manama Club and brother were arrested.
§ Two detainees die in custody during the same day, announcements came moments after each other on MoI website. Zakariya Hassan and Ali Saqer.
o Mol on detainees killed in custody:
§ Ali Isa Saqer (31): Ali is allegedly accused of running over a policemen/ allegedly one of the two policemen who were killed. He is one of tens of protesters who were detained with the same accusation. I don’t personally know how many people it takes to run over one person, but I think any sane person will agree the number of people arrested for that same accusation is insane. Ali had been on the run; he’s an orphan and the supporter of his family, reportedly of 3 sisters. Ali turned himself in two days ago; some people have reported that the reason he turned himself in is that he was repeatedly threatened by police that they’ll go and rape his sisters. As usual, the MoI report has a story of their own.
Whether this particular report is true or not, this is an infamous tactic at the AlKhalifa prisons, I personally know more than one story of people from my area who were threatened with the same threat and a man who was asked to confess to a crime he didn’t do, beating and torture didn’t work with him, he did what they wanted after they brought him underwear of his mother and sister.
§ Zakariya Rashid Hassan AlAsheeri (40): brother of resigned Parliament member Ali AlAsheeri. Some people have posted on social networks that he didn’t have sickle cell anemia as report claims, I haven’t found a confirmed source for this piece of information yet though. He was arrested for being responsible for an online forum which discussed the recent events in Bahrain.
· Two Bahraini protesters die in police custody Apr 9, 2011 OR
Different version of same article with different details
· Opposition supporters die police custody
· The arrest of Abdul Hadi AlKhawaja and his family members.
o Security forces have just beaten up and arrested Bahrain human rights activist Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja a little while ago.
o His daughter tweeted this 20 minutes after arrest:
"THEY JUST CAME! They took my dad, my dads blood is still on the stairs! They hit my dad so much! They beat him and he cudnt breath"
o His daughter tweeted a more detailed account in the next hour:
o "we knew they were coming, they had gone to my fathers apartment first and taken my cousin who lives in the same building
o Pro-gov tweep replied to her account as follows:
LMAO! XD!RT @aysha_hss: Hi bitch.. Do you know you'll get arrested too? @angryarabiya
She replied:
@Saud_Aldosari @aysha_hss they can come & take me. I dont want to b free in a world where my father is behind bars. ur threats dont scare me
o Member of AlKhalifa family threatens the AlKhawaja family "@3obiz: AlKhawaja men ? now time to take down the girls.. They're even worse @angryarabia @maryamalkhawaja "
o Links on the subject:
§ Abdulhadi Alkhawaja after his first arrest in 2004. (Some of the audio files aren't working now)
§ AP: Bahrain police detain, beat rights activist
§ BBC: Leading Bahrain activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja arrested
§ Frontline : Beating and arrest of human rights defender Mr Abdulhadi Alkhawaj
§ CNN: Daughter, group: Human rights leader missing, taken by Bahraini police
· Picture reports:
o Many religious institutions, mosques and matams belonging to Shia have been vandalized and trashed by government forces in their varying shapes and forms. This was executed in Manama on Apr 5th
Many other areas were similarly attacked. On Apr 10, 2011 the government will be demolishing 3 Shia mosques in Hamad Town by a municipality order.
More artwork by government forces this one reads “Only Baluchi” referring to Baluchistan, where many of the regime’s security forces are exported from.
o Man found dead near gas station in Saar. Sayed Hameed Mahfoodh, age 57. Torture marks were all over his body.
Sayed Hameed Mahfoodh age 57 found dead near sar gas station. Archive picture at a social event in Saar:
Burial pictures [Graphic]
o More threats from royal family members to people on twitter.
· Videos:
o Noam Chomsky: Is Iran a threat?
o Video shown for the first time from UoB events:
o Bahrain Rain of Blood
· Media:
o Ibish: How long before a campaign of urban terrorism is launched in Bahrain?
I see his point, and get the basis of his speculation, however, from where I’m standing the only terrorism we’re facing is coming from the government and will continue to come from their side. The majority of the opposition believes in diplomatic solutions over force. Anyone who has spent one day with Bahrainis would know that they are incapable at heart of going as far as urban terrorism. You’re talking about a society who criticized their own for using techniques like burning tires in the past- prior to Feb14, and these are people who have been strongly and repeatedly frustrated with the government. I don’t want to underestimate the power of extremism and high emotions, but I have a bigger faith in the majority of my people and their incredible insistence on pursuing their goals peacefully, regardless of all circumstances. Bahrain: Between the United States and Saudi Arabia- Mariana Ottaway- Ibish mentions this article in his.
o Craig Murray: The Invasion of Bahrain
o A Silent Apartheid in Bahrain:
o AP: Bahrain deports 2 reporters of opposition paper Both Iraqis worked for Al Wasat since 2005.
o Al Jazeera:Bahrain workers fired for supporting protests
o Al Jazeera English – Bahrain's hospital of ghosts
o Asia Times: Dangerous change rattles Bahrain
o Simon Kerr: Bahrain’s New Normal: Looking Bleak.
o Voice of America: Rights Activist: One in Every 1,000 Bahrainis in Detention for Political Reasons
o ILO Director-General sounds alarm on situation of workers in Bahrain
o International Crisis Group urges third-party facilitation of dialogue in #Bahrain in new report
o The Arab Spring and US bases
o Shameless reports from pro-government newspaper Gulf Daily News, on people being sacked from work and targeting unionists.
o Q: Are Saudis concerned about regional unrest? Gates: They didn’t seem particularly concerned about themselves.
o US and Saudi Arabia discuss Iran 'meddling': Gulf countries accuse Iran of interference in the affairs of Bahrai…
o Lebanon-MTV: Bahrain gives some Lebanese 48 hrs to leave island
o Bahrain's security now may cost it stability later – AlertNet
o Plainly outrageous! Shaikh Ahmed bin Ateyatalla Al-Khalifa Appointed Royal Court Minister for Follow-up
This man is the leading figure in the Bandergate scandal. He was removed during the façade cabinet shuffle that the government did last month in order to tranquilize the opposition. Opposition did not find it an answer to their demands and refused it.
o National Democratic Action Society – Wa'ad – Suspended
o Bahrain: Mounting Clampdown on Trade Unions and Professional Societies
o The Politics of Employment in #Bahrain – More stats from Justin Gengler
o Amid unrest, Bahrain companies fire hundreds of Shiites
o Initial findings from visit: Amnesty International: Many Bahraini Protesters Shot, Some at Close Range
o More GDN shame:
§ Security 'is crucial for Bahrain's development': SECURITY is today more necessary than ever, being a crucial gua…
§ Indications of how the places of those sacked for political opinions will be filled. Influx of workers expected as ban on travel is lifted: BAHRAIN could soon witness an influx of workers from Sri …
§ On Wa’ad being closed: Society headquarters closed down: AUTHORITIES yesterday closed down the headquarters of a political society, acc…
o HRW: State of Fear Prevails With Arbitrary Detentions, Pre-Dawn Raids-Medical Doctors Held Incommunicado
o Another non effective statement from Crown Prince. So far, all anyone has seen from is words but no action.
Bahrain crown prince: pro-reform but anti-split
o Bahrain protests 2011
o France 24: Crackdown on cyber-activists in Bahrain:
o Italian news write on HoseMan
The piece translates well on google translate. Back story: The HoseMan phenomenon started over a week ago, when Bahrain TV aired fabricated tales on a “documentary” recounting how some kidnapped policemen escaped the protesters evil hands. Not to get into the many hilarious details of that episode, one of the policemen claims he climbed down a two-storey house on a water hose! Instantly, HoseMan jokes and remarks were everywhere. Priceless stuff. Hash tags were created for it on twitter with these spellings #HoseMan #Houzman #hoozman
o Report tracks 'dramatic changes' sweeping the Mideast –
o Human rights groups accuse Bahrain of abuses –
o On Wa'ad: Bahrain shuts down headquarters of opposition society
o Newsweek Pakistan: Bahrain or Bust?
o Guardian: From the archive, 2 April 1965: Bahrein: Prelude to revolution
o Repost: Protesters use candles to write "We are with you #Bahrain". Police jeeps intentionally drive over it
o Total regional sectarian polarization over Saudi-Iranian proxy war: Saudi Shi'ites protest anew at Bahrain intervention –
o Graphic-Full report on #Bahrain revolution
First extensive account from Mansoor AlJamri since his leaving AlWasat: NYT: 'Editor Silenced, With the Help of Unreliable Sources' or
o Justin Gengler deconstructs the ridiculous op-ed piece about #Bahrain in the Boston Globe
o @NickKristof: Once a symbol of openness, a Bahrain newspaper now underscores repression –
o Bahrain in epicenter of a cold war between Saudi Arabia and Iran
o A Genuine Tragedy Unfolds: Bahrain and Saudi Arabia's Rulers Goose-Step to the Brink of the Abyss. By PETER LEE.
o The Bahrain Uprising, Saudi Troops and Hussein the Martyr
o Strangers in the Night: the How, When and Why of Brutal Arrests by Marc Owen Jones.