…from beneath the crooked bough, witness 230 years of brutal tyranny by the al Khalifas come to an end
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ahrain Updates #6, Sunday, March 20, 2011: “he gets angry and breaks the game, but it still doesn’t change the fact that you won”

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From: Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D. <ccavell@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 6:30 PM
Subject: Bahrain Update [final issue], Sunday, March 20, 2011: "he gets angry and breaks the game, but it still doesn't change the fact that you won"
To: "Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D. @ GMail" <ccavell@gmail.com>

It appears that the democratic opposition in Bahrain, for now, has been crushed. Saudi and GCC troops are guarding the royal palaces as well as the royals (about 3000 of them) while the Bahraini Defence Forces (BDF) is mopping up the opposition. Only a few reports coming out of Bahrain, so I'll end this chapter of Bahrain Updates with this final missive.
On February 14, 2011, the citizenry of Bahrain rose up in opposition to the Al Khalifa monarchy and demanded democratic reforms. Their voices were met with stiff resistance from the autocratic regime which has been in power for over 200 years now. Unbowed, the citizenry took to the Pearl Roundabout in downtown Manama with some advocating for a constitutional monarchy and others a democratic republic. Again, the regime unleashed a reign of terror down on the protesters. Meanwhile, the US was directing its focus on Libya and getting through the United Nations a resolution for a no-fly zone over that country, which passed on Thursday, March 17th. One week prior, on Friday, March 11th, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates flew to Bahrain and met with the King and the Crown Prince, and on Monday, March 14th, Saudi Arabian and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) tanks and troops rolled across the causeway from Saudi into Bahrain to crush the opposition. The Bahrain Defence Forces (BDF) subsequently tore down the Pearl Monument on Friday, March 18th, in an attempt to wipe the memory of this Bahraini Democratic Spring from the popular mindset, and are using force and intimidation to crush any further resistance.
The fact that the US Fifth Fleet is based in Bahrain and the fact that the US is completely dependent on and addicted to Saudi-monarchy oil–i.e. oil doled out by a corrupt and sclerotic regime, and that both regimes (i.e. the Al Sauds and the Al Khalifas)–indeed all GCC regimes–in turn, are kept in power by US guns, makes all the difference–for now at least. The US is clearly supporting the existing Al-Khalifa monarchy, putting its oil interests ahead of its supposed democratic principles. From all accounts, the beating into submission as well as the bloodbath has begun. For US citizens, it is another lost opportunity…
US interests in the long term will ultimately be served by supporting democratic elements and, eventually, democratic regimes in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) region. Putting off this goal in the Gulf states until a later time will have negative repercussions not only on current US foreign policy but, as well, on US domestic policy. While countering theocratic influence in the region is understandable, this will require a strategy with quite a bit more sophistication than is presently being demonstrated. As well, implementing such a strategy will necessitate experienced hands who are not intimidated by the apparent chaos often associated with democratic movements.

Names and other identifying information have been removed and/or redacted in order to protect the safety of the sender[s].

Again, this will be the last Bahrain Update.


Colin S. Cavell, Ph.D.

P.O. Box 9087
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 734-8187

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Date: Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 6:53 AM
Subject: RE: Hello and Updates 18 Mar 2011

I am relatively safe, I mean we barely go out. So unless I get arrested for speaking out or get harassed at a checkpoint or shot by chopper guy when shouting Allah Akbar, there's nothing to fear.

I am quite depressed I must admit though, we are kept in the dark, if someone is missing, we don't know if they're hiding or arrested or injured or the worst, dead. They just announced another martyr too, BDF military hospital called his family, Isa Al Radhi from Sitra, he's been missing since their attack on Sitra 15 Mar 2011. The other half of the time when I'm not depressed, I'm angry and hopeful at the same time. I am surviving because of the hope I have. I can't explain it or justify it, but I am quite hopeful throughout, even my sadness feels like it's a matter of time, is that naive of me? [redacted]

Our government just proves to be more incredible by the minute. Yesterday the Minister of Foreign Affairs Khalid AlKhalifa had a press conference, he was asked why are they demolishing the Pearl roundabout and monument despite it's historical significance to Bahrain, he said "we want to remove all the bad memories!" You gotta love this dude's answers, he's the same person who made another remarkable comment after the massacre on 17 Feb 2011, when they raided the roundabout at 3 am. There was a press conference for him and other officials, he was asked about the reason behind the timing of the attack, why did it take place at 3 am when people were sleeping, whole families were there and people of all ages, his answer was "because it was easier". By the way, for royalists, he is the liberal reasonable diplomatic figure; they adore him.

Now news are surfacing that they have given the Iranian ambassador 72 hours to leave Bahrain, actions supporting their Iranian threat propaganda. I marvel at the people falling for this, I mean really! Worried about the possibility of an interference from Iran because they have interests in Bahrain, yet, not even remotely recognizing the significance of the actual blunt Saudi interference that is taking place right now!!

They have vandalized several Shia religious facilities in several areas.

Popular joke these days: a kid asks his mother "Mother, why did they demolish Lulu?" The mother replies: "You know how when you play with your friend and you win, then he gets angry and breaks the game, but it still doesn't change the fact that you won? It's the same."


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Date: Sat, Mar 19, 2011 at 3:43 PM
Subject: Destroy the evidence..
Bahrain Tears Down Monument as Protesters Seethe
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Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 5:48 AM
Subject: Bahrain

Though it will make absolutely no difference of course, as a [redacted] in Bahrain, I wrote a letter to the president's office objecting to the U.S. support of the occupation of Bahrain and to the suppression of legitimate political dissent by the current (now definitely) illegitimate government. [redacted] got an email from [redacted] whose family returned from exile some years ago, who reports on the terrible conditions they are now living under. Let us hope that justice will eventually prevail.
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Date: Sun, Mar 20, 2011 at 6:13 PM
Subject: Bahrain Update
The Proxy Battle in Bahrain