Bail-out, Influence and the Looters
The looting will not stop until the Citizens of the United States lay siege to our own Government, which has been hijacked by the Corporations and Corrupt Elected Officials.
Aside from President George W. Bush here are some the top conspirators in the looting of the US Treasury using the “bail-out” as a front. The bribes paid to them are in the form of Campaign Contributions shown below.
Obama Sen. D-IL 2007-2008 Contributions $16,369,460
Top 5 Single Largest Contributors
Goldman Sachs $748,880
University of California $625,911
JPMorgan Chase & Co $493,469
Harvard University $473,669
Citigroup Inc $467,849
Overall, Securities & Investment was Obama’s 3rd Largest Contributor
October 8, 2008 No Comments