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[l] at 10/22/24 11:28am
A month after the UK suspended 30 arms licences out of 350 on account of the weapons being used in violation of international law in Gaza, Australia has announced its own review of its arms sales to Israel. Australia says that it has not supplied weapons to Israel since the genocide started last October; indeed, it has not done so for the past five years. However, in questions addressed to the Department of Defence in Canberra in June this year, it emerged that the Australian government approved eight other permits which it says are related to items required by the Australian Defence Force. Guardian Australia reported that 12 export permits to Israel have been issued since October 2023. Export permits were issued “for items other than weapons or ammunition, and this goes to, for example, dual-use technologies and components.” Out of 247 permits since 2019, 66 have remained active which are now under scrutiny. In response to questions asked during a parliamentary session regarding the nature of the permits approved since October 2023, Australia’s Deputy Defence Secretary Hugh Jeffrey stated, “We don’t go into the individual content of the permits themselves,” and maintained that the permits are related to exports. Chris Deeble, Deputy Secretary of the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group (CASG) then went on to expound on Australia’s reliance on Israeli military technology. “We do so because they provide world-leading and world-class capability and we want to ensure that our soldiers, sailors and aviators get the best capability,” he said. No mention was made, of course, about how Palestinians are the collateral damage when such weapons are “field-tested” in occupied Palestine, and how Australia’s reliance on Israeli technology is thus also a reliance on Israel’s genocide in Gaza. Australia is part of the network that provides parts for the F-35 aircraft which Israel is using in its genocidal bombing of Gaza. In its assessment of arms licences, the UK excluded the F-35 parts so that the global supply chain would not be affected. When asked if the Australian weapons parts were used on the F-35 jets used to bomb Gaza, Jeffrey answered, “We can’t speak for the IDF [Israel Defence Forces] and how it engages in force employment.” According to Jeffrey, the Memorandum of Understanding regarding the F-35 programme “requires Australia to provide those contributions in good faith.” In keeping with its usual secrecy in the name of national security, the Australian government’s report for 2023-2024 does not indicate the countries with which it has weapons export permits, only the continents. Nor does Australia specify the military supplies in its report. While Australia may not be a major weapons arms supplier to Israel, the fact remains that it still maintains agreements with a settler-colonial entity that is committing genocide against the Palestinian people, which makes Australia complicit in the genocide, along with other countries. Australia itself, of course, is a settler-colonial entity, so none of this is too much of a surprise. Nevertheless, to rely upon feigned ignorance of any part of the weapons supply chain, on good faith and on wanting the Australian military to benefit from “the best capability” only shows Australia to be actively pursuing violence, just like other countries that have military and weapons agreements with Israel. If civilians around the world can see the truth and call it a genocide, governments should have led the way earlier in calling out Israel rather than supporting the annihilation of Palestinians in Gaza. Former colonialist countries supporting the current colonisers only illustrates that the world operates on the same politics of extermination as it has done for the past few centuries. Australia relies on Israeli weapons, which means it now relies on genocide The post Australia relies on Israeli weapons, which means it now relies on genocide appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: WORLD, Australia, Israel]

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[l] at 10/22/24 1:51am
Moldova is a deeply divided society as the latest referendum results show even if one ignores credible suspicions of fraud in support of the winning side. Moldovan President Maia Sandu boasted about how the referendum that she initiated for joining the EU narrowly passed despite the allegedly “unfair fight” against her side that she blamed on allegedly foreign-backed “criminal groups” who supposedly tried to buy off 300,000 votes. EU spokesman Peter Strano was more direct in declaring that “We noted that this vote took place under unprecedented interference and intimidation by Russia and its proxies aiming to destabilize the democratic processes.” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov demanded that “some evidence (of this purported fraud) be presented to the public” and questioned the results after a dramatic late turnaround for the pro-EU side that suspiciously resembled what happened in some swing states during the US’ 2020 elections. The opposition also reported hundreds of violations while Irish journalist Chay Bowes claimed that Moldova only made 10,000 ballots available in Russia despite half a million expats being eligible to vote. It also deserves mentioning that European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen visited Moldova earlier this month where she promised its people nearly $2 billion in financial support from her bloc over the next three years. Moreover, the lead-up to this referendum and the presidential election that were held on the same day (the first round of which Sandu won so a run-off will be held on 3 November) saw state-sponsored repression of the opposition, including defamatory claims that they’re backed by Russia. All of this made Moldova’s EU referendum neither free nor fair, and the same goes for the first round of its presidential election, but the West manipulated perceptions about foreign meddling ahead of time so as to pin the blame on Russia even though they themselves were the only ones that were guilty of this. They want to keep Sandu in power so that she can shepherd Moldova’s membership into the EU, which can then be spun as a political victory amidst the West’s failing proxy war on Russia in Ukraine. The reality is that Moldova is a deeply divided society as the latest referendum results show even if one ignores credible suspicions of fraud in support of the winning side. After all, Von der Leyen’s de facto $2 billion bribe only led to an official razor-thin margin of victory amounting to just around 12,000 votes, or a 0.78% margin. This is due to many Moldovans being skeptical of the benefits connected with full-fledged Westernization, particularly in the socio-economic domain. They fear that LGBT+ will be imposed on their traditionally conservative country and are worried about the consequences of institutionalizing their already lopsided relationship with the EU. While Sandu’s commanding victory in the first round might be interpreted by some as contradictory when viewed with that in mind, it’s not as clear-cut as some might think. She won 42.45% of the vote compared to her next-closest challenger Alexandr Stoiangogo’s 25.98% only because the opposition was divided. Third-place finisher Renato Usatii took 13.79%, but there’s a chance that he might ask his supporters to vote for Stoianoglo during the second round or they’ll do so on their own due to some of their overlapping platforms. Even if Stoianoglo gives Sandu a run for her money, she might ultimately resort to fraud to win and dismiss any allegations thereof by pointing to the narrow EU referendum results. Stoianoglo’s hypothetical win in spite of her possible fraud could also prompt a Color Revolution. In the event that she remains in power as expected, whether by hook or by crook, then she’ll oversee the synchronization of the Moldovan state with Brussels, which will then likely be weaponized to further crack down on the opposition with a view towards imposing a so-called “liberal dictatorship”. Moldova’s socio-political fault lines might rupture just like the ones between it and Transnistria did three decades ago, however, in which case she might request military aid from neighboring NATO member Romania. It was assessed in early April that “Romania’s Draft Law On Dispatching Troops To Protect Its Compatriots Abroad Is Aimed At Moldova”, which Romania considers to be an historical region that was artificially amputated from their shared homeland by Russia and then the Soviet Union. Regardless of whatever one thinks about that perspective, the point is that the scenario of Moldova’s merger with Romania has been talked about since 1991, and it could unfold through the preceding means. Observers should also remember that “Transnistria Could Become The Tripwire For A Wider War” if it’s attacked by Moldova, Ukraine, and/or Romania no matter whether the abovementioned sequence of events plays out, though that might be a risk that the West is willing to take for its own reasons. The dangerous strategy of “escalating to de-escalate” has been increasingly discussed out of desperation to coerce concessions from Russia in the special operation zone so this possibility can’t be ruled out. Even if no continuation war is launched against Transnistria and Moldova retains its nominal independence, Sandu’s expected success in the second round coupled with the official razor-thin outcome of the EU referendum can be spun as a political victory against Russia. Nevertheless, that won’t change the fact that the military-strategic dynamics of the West’s proxy war on Russia in Ukraine continue trending in their foe’s favor, which is much more meaningful in terms of the bigger picture. https://korybko.substack.com/p/moldovas-eu-referendum-was-neither The post Moldova’s EU Referendum Was Neither Free Nor Fair appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: WORLD, Europe, Moldova, referendum]

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[l] at 10/21/24 4:12pm
As Iran braces for Israels anticipated attack following Tehrans ballistic missile strike, fears of an all-out regional war are mounting. According to Giorgio Cafiero, CEO of Gulf State Analytics, the six Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations “are increasingly opting for diplomacy over confrontation and military escalation.” Cafiero says the Gulf Arab states’ growing frustration with the US refusing to rein Israel has driven the Gulf nations to seek further diplomatic engagement with Iran. “The Saudis realized that the US pressure on Iran is not making the Kingdom any more secure.”  @GiorgioCafiero discuss how the Gulf states are responding to the threat of an Iran-Israel war The post Gulf Arab States Will ‘Pay a Very High Price’ If They Back a US-Israeli Attack on Iran appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: interview, Multimedia, WORLD, GCC, Iran, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, USA, war]

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[l] at 10/21/24 3:11pm
The Russian News Agency Tass reported on October 19:  “France in discussion with partners about inviting Ukraine to NATO immediately.” https://tass.com/world/1858603 This development which implies wider war is a consequence of Putin’s never ending war.  Instead of reassuring the West and BRICS by limiting the scope of the conflict, Putin has caused consternation by the opportunity he provided Washington to ever widen the conflict.  Who is going to back down?  Russia or Washington? There is reason to be concerned about Trump:  “Trump claims he threatened Putin with strike on Moscow.” https://www.rt.com/news/606011-trump-threat-hit-putin-moscow/  The Ever Widening War The post The Ever Widening War14 appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: WORLD, NATO, Russia, Ukraine, war]

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[l] at 10/21/24 2:59pm
This is it. A date with destiny. All set for the most crucial geopolitical/geoeconomic gathering of the year and arguably the decade: the BRICS Summit under the Russian presidency in Kazan, capital of Tatarstan, where Sunni Tatars coexist in perfect harmony with Orthodox Christians. All the excruciating work by sherpas and analysts throughout 2024 – supervised by the lead Russian diplomat in charge of BRICS, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov – converged to three final, separate key meetings in Moscow before the summit, grouping BRICS finance ministers and central bank governors, working groups, and the Business Council. All that in a context that is now familiar for the Global Majority. The combined GDP of the current BRICS nations is over $60 trillion, way ahead of the G7; their average growth rate by the end of this year is projected to be 4%, higher than the 3.2% global average; and the bulk of economic growth for the near future will come from BRICS member-nations. RUSSIAS KAZAN IS READY TO WELCOME DELEGATIONS AND JOURNALISTS TO THE BRICS SUMMIT #BRICS2024 pic.twitter.com/N0vzN1XVsW — Sputnik (@SputnikInt) October 21, 2024 Even before the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov was stressing that BRICS is keen to bypass “politicized” Western platforms – a subtle reference to the sanctions tsunami and the weaponization of the US dollar – as BRICS work to create their own, Global Majority-friendly international payments system. The context for what will be decided in Kazan this week is no less than incandescent, as the uncontrolled chaos of the Hegemon’s Forever Wars – from Ukraine to West Asia – has even materially affected the heavy work of BRICS and the necessity to build a new international system of geoeconomic relations practically from scratch. A credible war escalation scenario may have been thwarted by the leak of secret high-level intel to the Five Eyes on the preparations by Israel-US to strike Iran. The strike will eventually happen – with dire consequences – but probably not this week, when it could have been timed to explicitly, and completely, disrupt the summit in Kazan and expel it from global headlines. The joint statement by the BRICS finance ministers and central bank governors may not sound too adventurous, but the constraints reflect not only caution when facing a dangerous, cornered Hegemon, but internal contradictions among BRICS members. The statement recognizes “the need for a comprehensive reform of the global financial architecture to enhance the voice of developing countries and their representation.” Yet it remains clear the US has less than zero interest in a profound reform of the IMF, the World Bank and the Bretton Woods system. Russia and China, especially, are fully aware that what is needed is a post-Bretton Woods. The statement is more forceful on the BRICS Cross-Border Payments Initiative, dubbed BCBPI, welcoming “the use of local currencies in international trade” and “the strengthening of banking networks” to enable them. Yet everything for the moment is only “voluntary and non-binding.” Kazan is expected to give the process some edge. Not an Anti-Western Group, Just a Non-Western Group In his speech at the BRICS Business Council last Friday and in a subsequent roundtable with heads of media groups of BRICS members, President Putin in fact summed up all the major dossiers. Here are the highlights. On the role of the Shanghai-based NDB, the BRICS bank: Russia “will expand the capabilities of the NDB”; the bank should become the main investor in major technological and infrastructure projects for BRICS members and the wider Global South. That makes total sense, with the NDB financing infrastructure development and commercially involved with local, private companies. Incidentally, the next president of the NDB will be Russian; the top candidate is Aleksei Mozhin, who was previously at the IMF. On creating a single digital infrastructure for BRICS: already on. Russia is working on “the use of digital currencies in investment processes in the interests of other developing economies.” That ties up with BRICS work on their own version of SWIFT for international financial transactions. And also ties up with BRICS Pay – a debit card whose first trial run happened during the Business Council last week, not dissimilar to AliPay in China, and soon to be rolled out across BRICS members. A BRICS single currency: “Not being considered yet, this issue is not ripe yet.” De-dollarization, Putin stressed, is proceeding step by step: Were taking individual steps, one after another. As regards finance, we did not drop the dollar. The dollar is the universal currency. But it wasnt us – we were banned and barred from [using] it. And now 95% of all the external trade of Russia is denominated in national currencies. They did it themselves with their own hands. They thought we would collapse. The challenge for a unified BRICS currency: That “requires thorough economic integration (…) Apart from high level of integration among BRICS members, the introduction of a single BRICS currency would involve comparable monetary quality and volume (…) Otherwise, we will face even bigger issues than those that occurred in the EU.” Putin recalled that when the euro was introduced in the EU, their economies were neither comparable nor equal. Putin will have at least 17 bilateral meetings in Kazan. He emphasized, once again, that “BRICS is not an anti-Western group, it’s just a non-Western group.” And he named the key economic drivers in the near future: Southeast Asia and Africa. Development “will objectively take place primarily in BRICS member countries. This is the Global South. This is Southeast Asia. This is Africa. Positive growth will exist in powerful countries such as China, India, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, but the countries of Southeast Asia and Africa will show faster growth for several reasons. He also highlighted the top infrastructure development projects among BRICS and the Global South: the Northern Sea Route – which the Chinese define as the Arctic Silk Road – and the International North-South Transportation Corridor (INSTC), with the BRICS triad Russia-Iran-India as the key partners. On the Northern Sea Route, Putin highlighted how “we are building an icebreaker fleet that has no peers in the world. Its going to be a unique fleet, seven nuclear icebreakers and 34 diesel-propelled, high-class, heavy-duty icebreakers. On the Russia-China strategic partnership: it’s one of the key factors of stability in the world; in the relations between the two, there are no elders or youngers. On the Great Chessboard, “Russia does not interfere in relations between the USA and China,” even as Europeans have been dragged into Asia through NATO. Nobody is asking the Europeans whether they want to spoil their relationship with China, whether they want to use NATO entities to enter Asia and to create a situation that would cause concern for the region, for China specifically. Still, they are dragged like puppies. Forever Wars Target BRICS There will be a special session on Palestine in Kazan with BRICS members plus BRICS Outreach – as in partners (Turkiye is included). Putin believes that “dissolving the Middle East Quartet was a mistake.” The Quartet included Russia, US, UN, and EU. In theory, it should have mediated the Israel-Palestine peace process. In practice, it didn’t. The notorious warmonger Tony Blair was part of the Quartet. Diplomatically, Putin said, “I do not intend to accuse the United States in every aspect here, but unfortunately it was a wrong thing to do to disband the four [the Quartet].” He re-emphasized that “Russia has consistently maintained the view that the United Nations Security Councils decision to establish two states – Israel and Palestine – should be implemented.” And, significantly, he added that “Russia is in ongoing contact with both Israel and Palestine.” REPUBLIC OF SRPSKA PRESIDENT: BRICS IS GROUP OF ‘FREE COUNTRIES WHO RESPECT EACH OTHER’S SOVEREIGNTY’ In an interview with Sputnik ahead of the 2024 BRICS summit in the Russian city of Kazan, President of the Republic of Srpska Milorad Dodik focused on why the Serbian… pic.twitter.com/ikhmNZ4x97 — Sputnik (@SputnikInt) October 20, 2024 That may be interpreted as strategic mediation, and serious back-channel exchanges. Yet he did not venture head on into the fire, just saying he hopes the endless exchange of blows between Israel and Iran will stop, while adding that “searching for a compromise in the Arab-Israeli conflict is possible, but this is a very delicate area.” All of the above is highly significant for the BRICS context because the Forever Wars in West Asia have been seriously interfering with the work within BRICS. And on top of it, the Forever Wars, cold, hybrid, and hot, are in fact essentially directed against three BRICS members, Russia, Iran and China – not by accident described as the Top Three existential threats to the Hegemon. And that inevitably brings us to Ukraine. Putin emphasized, “the Russian army has become one of the most combat effective and high-tech armies in the world (…) When NATO will get tired of waging this war against us, just ask them. We were ready to continue fighting, to continue the struggle, and we will have the upper hand.” Confirming what crack military analyst Andrei Martyanov has been studying for years, Putin explained how modern warfare is the war of mathematicians – something that totally escapes NATO armchair warriors: “I have heard from the people that fight on the ground that todays war is the war of mathematicians. Radio-jamming devices would be effective against certain delivery vehicles and they would suppress them. The other side has, for example, calculated and reckoned what is the counterforce and reprograms the software of its striking assets in a week or three weeks.” As for the battleground, with the “rules-based international order” meeting its humiliating demise in the black soil of Novorossiya, Putin could not be more emphatic on the “Nuclear Ukraine” gambit: It is a dangerous provocation because any step in this direction will face a response (…) I will say it outright Russia will not allow this to happen no matter what. The stakes in Kazan could not be higher. By the end of the week, the Global Majority will know whether Kazan will go down in history as the landmark of a new, emerging system of international relations, or if crass divide and rule tactics will keep postponing the inexorable demise of the Old Order. https://sputnikglobe.com/20241021/pepe-escobar-date-with-destinybrics-offer-hope-in-a-time-of-war-1120617552.html The post Date With Destiny BRICS Offers Hope in a Time of War appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: Economy, BRICS, Dollar]

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[l] at 10/21/24 2:16pm
A couple of weeks ago, there was news that riots broke out in the French overseas territory of Martinique in the Caribbean, which turned violent. In fact, the problems on the island began back in September, when local residents started to protest against the increase in prices for many goods and services, which affected their standard of living. The rallies escalated into clashes with the police, in which at least one person was killed and dozens were injured. The police station and many cars were burned down. The barricades were put on the streets. Hundreds of passengers were stranded in the French Caribbean island of Martinique on Friday after its airport was briefly forced to close because protesters overran the tarmac and tried to break in, the airport. Flights to Martinique were diverted to another French island, Guadeloupe. Later on French Interior Minister Bruno Retailleau said French authorities had regained control of the airport, which demonstrators targeted in the latest protest decrying a high cost of living. Retailleau added that reinforcements were being sent, however pointed out that “we also have to take into account” local people’s unhappiness about high prices. Meanwhile, French authorities banned protests and a curfew was imposed on the island. After that, the news from Martinique stopped appearing in the world’s media, apparently due to the strict censorship. According to the TeleSur TV channel, 37 political organizations, trade unions and associations called on Saturday for a day of general mobilization against repression and for the immediate withdrawal of the elite unit of the French Interior Ministry  – CRS8 – from the territory of Martinique. Declaring their rejection of the repression of activists, the organizations stressed that “from now on, it is necessary to enter into genuine political, economic and social negotiations at a different level with all the living forces of our country in order to eliminate the root causes of the legitimate anger of our youth and the people of Martinique.” Mobilization also demands an end to the colonial and capitalist system, “which represents a real embargo on the future of our people; poor development, unemployment, social poverty, low incomes and extreme dependence on food, which fuel the high cost of living and the mass exodus of our youth.” Similarly, among the contextual elements highlighted by the organizations were: “the deliberate strangulation of our communities; looting, poisoning and the provision of land to young farmers; the blatant injustice and corruption of a two-tier system that criminalizes Martinique residents and protects others; violence and violence against women” and the abuses of the colonial State.” As you can see, the situation is much more serious than the usual protests, which are not uncommon in France itself. In fact, the people of this overseas territory recognize that they are in colonial dependence, therefore they intend to fight for liberation from the oppression of Paris. It is quite possible that, in addition to the current demands, there will be an impulse to expel the French authorities and gain the sovereignty and independence of Martinique. Martinique is an island located in the Caribbean Sea that’s part of the Lesser Antilles. It has been under France for almost 400 years (colonization began in 1635), Its population is about 400 thousand people, most of them are Negroes and mulattoes, descendants of slaves. There have been numerous uprisings against France on the island, which have been suppressed. The economy is based on agriculture and tourism. Among other French territories in the region are Guadeloupe, Mayotte and Reunion, as well as Guiana, located on the continent (bordered by Brazil and Suriname). All island departments have a backward economy. Reunion lives on subsidies, Mayotte also exports food. If we consider the events in Martinique in the light of the general situation of France and its influence, then in the context of its lost positions in Africa, as well as the uprising in New Caledonia, where Azerbaijan supported the demands for independence, Paris clearly faces not just a social revolt, but anti-colonial protests that echo each other. The unrest in Martinique may set an example for residents of the rest of France’s overseas territories in the Caribbean to revolt. If we follow the philosophical and political concept of the negritude, then all descendants from Africa have a common destiny and should show solidarity with each other. Therefore, protests in Martinique can be supported in other overseas territories and by other countries with black populations, especially those who actively advocate the processes of decolonization. All this presents a serious challenge for Paris. The main issue is not even about population control or lifeless atolls and small islands. The fact is that sovereignty over these territories in the Indian and Pacific Oceans gives France the second largest exclusive economic zone (EEZ) in the world after the United States. Within these EEZs, France has rights to explore and exploit marine resources such as fish, extractable natural resources and hydrocarbons, as well as access to major trade routes. The most important maritime communications located in close proximity to France’s regional EEZs include the Mozambique Channel, which connects the southern Indian Ocean with its northern arm and provides commercial access to the Mediterranean Sea through the Red Sea. In total, the French EEZ in the Indo-Pacific region accounts for 93% of the total national EEZ. French military personnel are also permanently stationed in most overseas territories, and France is actively positioning itself in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is no coincidence that in July 2021, France adopted a new Indo-Pacific strategy, which focused on global security issues and cooperation with partners. However, the recent precedent with the handing of a number of islands to Mauritius by the UK may open the way to further pressure on France on other islands to which claims have been made. Since the UN, in resolution No. 34/91 “The question of the Islands of Glorieuses, Juan de Nova, Europa and Bassas da India” dated December 12, 1979, has already called on the French Government to transfer these islands to Madagascar. Finally, there is Corsica Island in the Mediterranean Sea. Separatist tendencies are quite strong there. In addition, as noted, “in Corsica, the state policy of mild genocide of the indigenous inhabitants of France has gradually formed a social bomb, which is desperately being hidden by the Fifth Republic… Mafia confrontations are tormenting Corsica, the aboriginals, originally associated with families, will unite in nationalist movements that multiply like mushrooms after the rain: the newly created Mossa Palatina party with its separatist, anti-Islamic and racialistic doctrine is already ready to present its candidates for future elections.” It cannot be ruled out that all these movements and parties located in different places, but critical of the central government of Paris, can weave an international network to support each other on the demands of autonomy or even full independence. https://orientalreview.su/2024/10/21/martinique-and-french-neocolonialism/ The post Martinique And French Neocolonialism appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: WORLD, colonialism, France, protest]

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[l] at 10/21/24 12:41pm
A new study counters the mainstream narrative of democratic backsliding in West Africa. The authors argue that the recent coups in the region have received popular support as a means of regaining national sovereignty. https://www.scienceopen.com/hosted-document?doi=10.62191/ROAPE-2024-0033 The post Frances Former Colonies are Fighting Back appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: interview, Multimedia, WORLD, Africa, colonialism, France]

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[l] at 10/21/24 11:38am
Secret Documents; Attempts to Assassinate Netanyahu The post Secret Documents; Attempts to Assassinate Netanyahu appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: Editor pick, interview, Multimedia, WORLD, Axis of Resistance, Hezbollah, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Netanyahu, USA, Yahya Sinwar]

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[l] at 10/21/24 11:22am
BT’s @RaniaKhalek was joined by @ghadifrancis for a live discussion about Israel’s attacks on Lebanon and what comes next. The post From Palestine to Lebanon, Resistance to Israel Will Never Surrender w/ Ghadi Francis Rania Khalek appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: Editor pick, interview, Multimedia, WORLD, Gaza, Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon, Palestine]

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[l] at 10/21/24 10:44am
Israel’s claims to have decimated the Lebanese resistance are risible By launching 200 missiles in two days on targets in Haifa, Nahariya, and Safad, killing or wounding 30 soldiers, Hezbollah’s new leadership began moving into a second stage of the war. This may involve retaliating in kind to Israeli attacks on urban centres, and using new and more potent weaponry to expand the war of attrition with the enemy and maximise its losses of personnel, material, and morale. On Saturday, while beating back several infiltration attempts by the Israeli army across the Lebanese border, Lebanese Islamic resistance fighters targeted the occupation’s military concentrations, bases, and settlements in occupied Galilee in a significant escalation of hostilities as part of a carefully laid plan. Israeli media reported huge fires caused by missile strikes near Safad which defied the efforts of 15 firefighting teams to extinguish, and, more importantly, sent thousands of settlers fleeing for safety further south. That means the war on Lebanon has backfired against Netanyahu. Instead of enabling him to send evacuated settlers back to their colonies in the north, it has increased the number of evacuees and the burden they place on the Israeli treasury. Israeli war minister Yoav Galant’s claim on Saturday to have decimated Hezbollah and driven it out of the border area is risible and demonstrably false. If it were true, who was it who launched 200 missiles in a single day and forced Galant and Netanyahu to hold their war cabinet meeting in an underground bunker? Netanyahu does not even dare go back to his home in Caesarea after it was struck by a Hezbollah drone that eluded Israel’s elaborate air defences. How does he expect to send nearly 150,000 settlers to their homes in the north of occupied Palestine? The war of extermination currently being waged by the Israeli army in the northern Gaza Strip — especially against Jabaliya and Beit Lahiya — killing at least 500 people so far and injuring hundreds more, is not evidence of victory. It is an affirmation that the circle of defeat is expanding on all fronts. Martyrs Husam Abu-Ghazaleh and Amer Qawas, who slipped through the border and wounded two Israeli soldiers, inaugurated the Jordanian front — the occupation’s longest –and paved the way for hundreds if not thousands of others, from Jordan and beyond, to follow. Thousands of fighters from the Islamic resistance in Iraq are in the process of deploying to Syria and the Golan Front, amid continuing drone and missile strikes on Israeli forces and bases in the occupied Heights. Those manning all the fronts –from Yemen to Gaza, the West Bank, Iraq, and South Lebanon — may be waiting for the ‘zero hour’ when they unleash a concerted assault using weaponry that has been held back for that momentous day: maybe when Israel launches its threatened attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The retaliation that would trigger would be devastating for Israel. This week’s visits to Lebanon by US envoy Amos Hochstein and Cairo by fellow Zionist Antony Blinken, the secretary of state, are aimed at rescuing Israel from its defeats, by getting ever-obedient Arab ‘allies’ to exert pressure on the resistance leadership to submit to cease-fires on Israel’s terms. But after the killing of revered resistance leaders Hassan Nasrallah in Lebanon and Yahya Sinwar in Palestine, the pair will encounter nothing but contempt from the resistance groups. They failed to achieve their objectives in many previous regional tours and rounds of talks over the course of the past year. Why should it be different now that the martyred leaders have been replaced by more hardline successors determined to avenge their blood? The resistance will not flinch first and will ultimately break the long arm of Israel. It will continue fighting bravely and heroically on its land, while Netanyahu scurries rat-like from one underground shelter to another until he falls into the trap. https://www.raialyoum.com/hezbollah-moves-to-stage-two/ The post Hezbollah moves to Stage Two appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: WORLD, Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon]

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[l] at 10/21/24 7:11am
Resistance Escalates; Netanyahu Degenerates The post Resistance Escalates; Netanyahu Degenerates appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: interview, Multimedia, WORLD, Gaza, Hezbollah, Israel, Lebanon, Netanyahu, Palestine]

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[l] at 10/20/24 6:46pm
It takes some learning and insight to understand that western civilization really is the absolute worst. There can be a kind of hipster outsider tendency to judge your own society more harshly than you do others, and at first glance it can look like that’s what’s going on when you see western critics of the western empire denouncing the criminality of their own government and its allies much more harshly than governments like Russia, China or Iran. It’s not until you’ve done a fair bit of research that you go, wait, okay no, we are actually quantifiably far more destructive than any other power structure on earth, by an extremely massive margin. We really are the bad guys. We really are the evil empire, and everyone slamming our side as murderous monsters are absolutely correct. Whenever I say this I get westerners going “Oh yeah well I’d much rather live here then over there” or “Oh well if it’s so bad here then why don’t you go live over there?”, but the fact that they immediately start babbling about where they’d prefer to live is just a symptom of how sick and twisted this civilization is. They’re so cognitively and emotionally divorced from the violence and tyranny their government is inflicting upon the global south that they think the question of which countries are worse than others is a question of how pleasant it would be for them personally to live in. It’s like yes asshole, it’s very nice to be living in the imperial core that’s receiving the benefits of mass murder and imperialist extraction, and it’s less nice to live in the countries where the murder and extraction is happening. That’s the entire fucking point here. It can be nice to live in the western world, but the western world is not nice. Ours is the most savage and thuggish civilization on this planet, and it’s not even close. ❖ The Democratic Party really does look ready to lose yet another easily winnable election by running yet another awful, murderous candidate with awful, murderous policies, and then once again blame their loss on everyone in America who is a better person than they are. ❖ https://x.com/caitoz/status/1847753131482108339 ❖ Always having to search for photos of Israel’s destruction of Gaza for my articles really drives home the fact that this didn’t start last year. I’m always like “Here’s one! Wait, this one’s from 2008. Here’s one! No this is from 2014. Oh hey! Bah, nope, different bombing, 2021.” ❖ My first encounter with Israelis was when I was backpacking through South America in my twenties, and I remember being shocked by how consistently awful they all were. I guess after their mandatory military service they tend to go traveling for a bit, and whenever I’d run into them they were reliably some of the nastiest people I’d ever encountered. They weren’t ever nasty to me, though. I am a white westerner, and I never had a problem with them. They were nasty to the impoverished brown-skinned people who were hosting us. They were obnoxious and bullying toward local guides, they’d leave the place in a mess, and they were always trying to screw over the locals for a better deal or extra meals or favors. One time they tricked a hostel into putting up a sign in Hebrew for other Israeli backpackers which said ugly things about our hosts (they told the hostel owner it was a great review), which I only know because they were laughing hysterically about it and told me. They consistently treated the people who were looking after us like they were much lesser than us. Their pushiness and entitlement were just unbelievable. It was a very educational experience for me. I knew the Palestinians were being treated unfairly because my father had told me so, but I also had a great love of Jews and Jewish culture. I had visited Auschwitz and Dachau and Anne Frank’s house in my travels, and I remember having some romantic ideas about kibbutzim. This was my first time directly encountering the reality that there is something unhealthy about Israeli society. Not Jews or Jewish culture, but Jewish Israelis. Now I see evidence of this on my news feed every day, in the IDF soldiers prancing around in the undergarments of dead and displaced Palestinian women, in the AI translations of Hebrew tweets, in the polls which show widespread Israeli approval for the atrocities in Gaza, in Israeli TikTok videos mocking the suffering of the Palestinians, in the Israelis showing up in my comments justifying the worst things in the world in the most depraved ways imaginable. My encounters with Israelis in South America were an early taste of ugly things to come. Everything I glimpsed then I’ve been seeing online over the past year. I keep thinking about those obnoxious pricks I met all those years ago, and about how they didn’t know at the time that they were giving me very useful information for me to make use of in the future. When Israel supporters tell you to shut up about Gaza until you’ve been to Israel and met Israelis, just ignore them. Don’t go to Israel; you’re a westerner, they’ll be nice to you. You can just go to one of the tourist spots in the global south that Israelis like to visit — one with lots of brown-skinned people who’ve been colonized by the west — and watch how they treat people there. That will show you what Israelis are really like. Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley): https://www.caitlinjohnst.one/p/we-really-are-the-bad-guys-and-this The post We Really Are The Bad Guys And This Really Is The Evil Empire: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: WORLD, Gaza, Israel, Palestine]

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[l] at 10/19/24 7:55pm
Brian Berletic joins me for a conversation on everything Geo-political. Ive never had a bad episode with this fantastic analyst. The post Brian Berletic Kalibrated Live #107 appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: interview, Multimedia, WORLD, geopolitics, Russia, Ukraine]

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[l] at 10/18/24 5:11pm
The Pentagon announced plans to deploy a THAAD advanced anti-missile defense system to Israel – and 100 US soldiers to operate it. This deployment, which is the first time the US will send boots on the ground since the onset of the Gaza war, shows “the White House is willing to sacrifice American lives for the benefit of Israel,” says Mike Prysner, anti-war veteran and producer for The Empire Files. Prysner explains how Netanyahu plans to use US troops as ‘human shields’ in a plot to drag the US into war with Iran. The US deployed an anti-missile system and 100 soldiers to Israel “to prepare for a US-Israeli attack on Iran” @MikePrysner explains how Netanyahu plans to use US troops as “human shields” The post Israel’s Plot to Use US Troops as ‘Human Shields’ w/ Mike Prysner appeared first on TheAltWorld.

[Category: interview, Multimedia, WORLD, Iran, Israel, Palestine, The US deployed an anti-missile system and 100 soldiers to Israel “to prepare for a US-Israeli attack on Iran” @MikePrysner explains how Netanyahu plans to use US troops as “human shields”, USA]

As of 10/23/24 12:13pm. Last new 10/22/24 2:44pm.

First feed in category: Euractiv